The behavioral health patient who needs acute care presents unique challenges to patient safety. Join our presenter for a discussion on behavioral health patient safety in the acute care setting. Registration is required to attend.
Webinar Host
Denise is a member of the Louisiana Hospital Association Behavioral Health Statewide Constituency Group and successfully chaired four two-year terms. It was in this role she testified before the Louisiana House Ways and Means Committee during the 2015 legislative Session to help secure passage of HB-307. Denise also successfully completed four two-year terms on Louisiana Hospital Association’s Legislative, Regulatory and Policy Council.
Denise is a current member of the LHA LRPC (Legislative, Regulatory & Policy Council) and represents the Behavioral Health Constituency group. She is also a current member of Med BR under the Mayor’s Healthy City Initiative/Behavioral Health Group and a strong proponent in Primary and Behavioral Health Care Integration.
Denise is a Board of Director for the Baton Rouge Mental Health Association and a Board of Director for the Baton Rouge Bridge Center, a center dedicated to keeping the mentally ill out of jail.
Throughout the years, Denise has been appointed by both Governors and Senators for various tasks forces and commissions focused on behavioral health care. These collaborative initiatives have allowed Denise to understand the inner workings of individual state agencies resulting in a broad knowledge of how public-private partnerships can be beneficial and impactful for local and regional communities across the state.
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